Introducing the easiest way to send us your information
Introducing the easiest way to send us your information
It enables us to spend more of our time giving you the high level of service we always strive to deliver.
April 22, 2024

At Hive, we are always on the lookout for tools and software that can help us make your client journey with us as easy as possible.

We are very excited to announce that we believe we have found the next tool to make providing us with the information we need as simple and pain-free as possible (without coming to your practice and digging through your files ourselves).

We’ll be launching Glasscubes this week. It’s going to give our clients access to a secure portal to easily collate year end information. We’re excited that this new tool will enhance collaboration, improve turnaround times and still be as easy to use as sending an email!

We believe it really is a win win! It saves you time, allowing more time for you to be making money and it saves us time enabling us to spend more of our time giving you the high level of service we always strive to deliver.

We will be using this new software to help collate information from you for both your personal tax returns and your company year-end accounts.

The key features you can look forward to:


An organised list that’s easy to complete

You’ll receive an email and be able to access a portal where you can upload your documents to the easy to follow list of information requested.

A secure channel to communicate with us directly

This is where the tool really improves the efficiency of communication between us and you (our clients). When you’ve added the information we’ve asked for, we can add comments or questions which you can directly reply to in the portal. You’ll receive notifications so you won’t miss a thing.

It’s a secure way of sharing information

It eliminates any risks of sending secure documents via email as the portal is secure, encrypted and GDPR compliant. It also means you won’t end up sending sensitive information to the wrong person which can be an easy mistake to make when emailing.

It’s a limitless way of sharing information

No size restriction on your uploads, so there’s no need to send us 10 separate emails because the files are too big to fit into one.

Sharing the task is an easy click

You are able to delegate parts of the information required to members of your team, such as your Practice Manager.

You’ll get reminders when things are outstanding

We know that gathering your year end information isn’t top of your list and it can get bumped a few times before it’s actioned. We will set up reminders so you’re prompted along the way to ensure you never miss a deadline with us again.

We believe this software can help you to get your information over to us in a timely manner. This will enable us to get your accounts and tax returns out to you long before any statutory deadlines and give you plenty of time to plan for that upcoming tax bill.

As the personal tax year and a lot of our clients’ company year ends have recently passed, you can expect to receive information requests from this new software within the coming days.

If you have any troubles or questions regarding the new system, then please do get in touch.

The information contained in this article is based on the opinion of Hive Business and does not constitute formal tax advice. Any tax outcomes will be based on individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation, which are subject to change in the future. You should seek specific advice before embarking on any course of action. Hive Business does not provide regulated Financial Advice, including advice on investment, insurance or lending products or their suitability for you. This article is provided for information only and does not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise transact, or not transact, in any investment including Bitcoin and other crypto. Any use you wish to make of any information contained within this article is, therefore, entirely at your own risk.

By Thomas Julier Head of Accountancy Production
If you have any questions or comments about this article, please get in touch.
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