Financial & Commercial Management for Your Dental Practice

Helping you implement your ideas for the future

Financial & commercial management

Helping you implement your ideas for the future

It’s conventional for dental practice owners to see their financial lives only through the prism of income and they usually have a vague idea that their practice will comfortably fund their retirement. But there’s a piece missing: to have enough funds at the end you have to be on the right track to ensure your long term gains en route.

Hive is different because we help you through accurate diagnosis, guiding policies and decisive actions, so that all your decisions are strategic. That means delivering a bespoke support programme that could include any or all of our services. Our shadow board models the decisiveness and accountability that all high level companies depend on for survival.

Hive is different because we help you through accurate diagnosis, guiding policies and decisive actions, so that all your decisions are strategic. That means delivering a bespoke support programme that could include any or all of our services. Our shadow board models the decisiveness and accountability that all high level companies depend on for survival.


Generally speaking we will be looking at your growth trajectory and helping you understand and implement necessary changes to your management infrastructure, but the specifics will depend on where you are and what you need.
The most reassuring aspect of this support is that we don’t just offer advice and stop there like many consultants, we stand beside you and help with implementation. This is a new breed of service, light years away from the traditional financial services model in dentistry that only ever offered compliance and tax safety.
The most reassuring aspect of this support is that we don’t just offer advice and stop there like many consultants, we stand beside you and help with implementation. This is a new breed of service, light years away from the traditional financial services model in dentistry that only ever offered compliance and tax safety.
Your business will benefit from our team’s discipline of asking questions that no one else is asking. The norm in dentistry is for accountants to be lazy and wedded to the status quo. But would you make more money by downing tools and renting your property out? Is your cost sharing model actually a barrier to growth?
Your business will benefit from our team’s discipline of asking questions that no one else is asking. The norm in dentistry is for accountants to be lazy and wedded to the status quo. But would you make more money by downing tools and renting your property out? Is your cost sharing model actually a barrier to growth?


“…there are three ways cost sharing is likely to backfire:

1. Decision making grinds to a halt and your business stagnates

2. Friendships are strained because you put more or less effort in than others

3. Your business suffers because it lacks distinct roles like investor and leader”

Ross Martin, Director at Hive Business.

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