Dental Practice Management Consultancy
Helping you get the best out of your business
Management Consultancy
Helping you get the best out of your business
Often we find the culprit behind a stalled business is this tension between clinical and business roles.
Are you spending enough time thinking like a leader?
Are you working too hard, and on the wrong stuff?
Is there diversity of thought and experience on your board?
Do you even have a board?
Do you need business manager to handle your never ending ops workload?
Are other important personnel changes being kicked into the long grass year after year?
Are you spending enough time thinking like a leader?
Are you working too hard, and on the wrong stuff?
Is there diversity of thought and experience on your board?
Do you even have a board?
Do you need business manager to handle your never ending ops workload?
Are other important personnel changes being kicked into the long grass year after year?
“People don’t mind working long hours as long as they’re engaged in what they’re doing, but if you’re constantly unengaged in your work you quickly become miserable. The most obvious way this split works for dentists is clinical and business work. The right ratio for you depends on which one of the following categories you fall into:
1. Dentist who happens to be a business owner
2. Business owner who happens to be a dentist
Be honest with yourself, does dentistry or business come first? And which one bores you to tears? You can improve your life and your business by becoming more aware of this division.”