Marketing diagnostic

Helping you measure everything you do

Marketing diagnostic

Helping you measure everything you do

Collectively practice owners still have the sole trader mindset and tend to commission marketing services from a hodgepodge of suppliers: the trainee nurse might do social media, a graphic designer friend might do branding, a cool local digital company might build the new website.
None of this is wrong in itself but it points to an overarching problem: who is responsible for strategic direction and quality control? Usually dental practices don’t have a business manager, so the commissioning role is taken either by the practice manager or the principal.


It’s unlikely that either have the time or the experience to manage their suppliers effectively, but worse is the terrible jumble of conflicting advice.
A web marketing company might tell you that any like or retweet is evidence of its campaign’s efficacy, but what if the person retweeting is 400 miles away? Dental practice owners desperately need experienced marketing strategists to help them join up all the marketing activities so they serve agreed business objectives. Objectives come before strategy, strategy before tactics. Never the other way around.

The only way you can be sure your marketing tactics are serving your strategy and objectives is to measure everything you do — this is the function that Hive Intelligence serves.

A web marketing company might tell you that any like or retweet is evidence of its campaign’s efficacy, but what if the person retweeting is 400 miles away? Dental practice owners desperately need experienced marketing strategists to help them join up all the marketing activities so they serve agreed business objectives. Objectives come before strategy, strategy before tactics. Never the other way around.

The only way you can be sure your marketing tactics are serving your strategy and objectives is to measure everything you do — this is the function that Hive Intelligence serves.


“Hiring a mix of people who work in silos to do your marketing is a really bad idea for two reasons:

1. You can’t analyse your performance properly. An unfortunate fact that I’ve had to come to grips with is marketing people working for the same client don’t want to share information or take direction from each other. The multiple supplier route only works if people put aside their egos (and paranoia) and cooperate. That’s always been my policy but I can’t count the number of times things have ground to a halt because it hasn’t been reciprocated.

2. You lose the digital multiplier effect. A good example of this is how social assists other digital channels (such as organic search and AdWords) in buyers’ purchase journeys. According to Google, for every click on a social ad that directly contributes to a conversion, there are two other clicks that contribute to conversions in other channels.”

Luc Wade, Marketing Director at Hive Business.

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