How to work with a dental marketing agency
How to work with a dental marketing agency
Top tips on how to get the most out of working with a dental marketing agency
August 19, 2024

The relationship between a marketing agency and their client can be positive and fulfilling on both sides, but it can also become fraught and tense, with miscommunication and unmanaged expectations. Here at Hive dental marketing agency we have spent many years working with dental practices and principal owners on their marketing strategies and campaigns, and we know that each relationship is different. As a client, here are a few tips that can make working with your marketing agency smoother and more productive.

Be Interested

Yes we’re the experts in dental marketing, and you’re the expert in dentistry, but we still want you to be involved and collaborate with us! While we’re happy to crack on in the background, as a business owner you should still take a level of interest in what is being done to promote your dental practice. Ultimately, you are delegating the marketing activity to your agency, not fully abdicating all responsibility. When you receive your monthly report with all of your marketing stats and data, take time to read over them and ask any questions you need to.

Be Curious

We can (and do!) talk for hours about PPC, SEM, SEO, and ROI, as well as PHP, CVR and COA, but we also know that it can sound like Greek to anyone outside the world of digital marketing. We’re always available to talk or answer any questions to make sure you know exactly what we’re working on. If there’s a stat you don’t understand on your monthly report, please let us know and we’ll be happy to talk through it. We also always welcome new ideas, so if you’ve seen something you want to try then just let us know.

Be Responsive

We understand that our dental marketing clients are busy but there are some things that as an agency, we just can’t do without your approval or input. Whether it is signing off content, approving a list of keywords or giving us the go ahead on website updates, we need to make sure you’re happy. This is by far the biggest delay that we come up against, so it may be worth considering delegating this to someone else on your team that you trust.

Be Informative

As experienced dental marketers, accountants and consultants, at Hive we know the business of dentistry inside out, but that doesn’t mean we know everything about your specific dental practice. The more information you can give us, the more targeted and specific we can be when creating your marketing plan.
For example:

  • How do you see your brand and practice developing?
  • Any new treatments available
  • Insights about your patient base or local demographic
  • Previous activities you’ve tried
  • Offline competitor activity

Ultimately, it all comes down to building a good relationship with your marketing agency and team working on your account. At Hive, we pride ourselves on a personalised approach, as we know that one-size does not fit all. As one of our clients, we commit to:

Regular communication

We’ll keep you up to date with whatever we’re working on and let you know regular status updates. We’ll also share any highlights from your campaign or new tactics we think you could benefit from. Regular client meetings are really important to us, so that we know exactly what’s going on in the practice. After all, if you don’t tell us, we won’t know about it.

Clear data

Everything we do is led by the data which shows us which areas of the campaign are performing well and which areas could be improved or adapted. We’ll share this data with you wherever possible so you’ll always know the status of your campaigns. We also provide you with a monthly report so you’ve got a clear picture of long term trends. You can help us by feeding back valuable data from the practice. For example, how many of the leads that you receive go on to book a consultation and then go on to treatment. It’s also useful for us to know the value of the treatment, so that we can also calculate the true return on investment for your marketing budget.

Commitment to results

Our goal is to improve the financial performance of your dental practice, and we’re committed to pulling every lever we can to get there. The combination of our accountancy team, strategic consultants and marketing agency mean that we’re in the best position to advise you in every area of the business of dentistry. If we see an opportunity for improvement, we will always discuss it with you and make a plan to achieve your marketing and business objectives.

If you’d like to find out more about working with a specialised dental marketing agency for your dental practice, get in touch with us here at Hive today and we’ll be happy to put together a package that will help you meet your business goals.

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By Rachael Wraight Account Manager
If you have any questions or comments about this article, please get in touch.
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