It’s been a weird Q1. No fresh start, no resolutions, just uncertainty. A feeling of being dormant. One sits waiting, without a clear end point, knowing that something is on the horizon. People are like coiled springs. Everyone is saying, “I will do this and that just as soon as I am able to.”
It feels out of control, and in this out-of-controllness I’ve noticed a corresponding shift in my state of mind. Rather than collapse and succumb to the chaos, my mind has become more assertive. I’m more focused than ever on changing things. I’ve been systematically going through what I can do to improve the business.
This is interesting to me because I am actually busier than ever, and so on the face of it I have less time to be doing this extra work. But I’m experiencing a strong sense of determination to control the things I can control, and perhaps I have the collective sense of being out of control to thank for it.
I’ve been improving our software and systems, developing the team, and reflecting on what’s been and gone, then making changes to make my future self and the business better.
There are always things you can do to make your business better. This is essentially the theme of every conversation I have with new clients. I always know I can improve their world. Almost always in monetary terms, but sometimes that’s a byproduct.
There might be, say, a massive tax bill that arrived yesterday that they have to pay immediately. In that case I would structure their processes around tax, give them estimates for the future and also save them thousands in tax. Some people come because they already know they are paying too much tax. Others because they want more time or peace of mind. Some want support to figure out where they want to go: what’s their next step, do they buy a practice they like, and how do they know it’s right for them?
Whatever it is, there are usually tens of thousands of pounds I can save them. Sometimes, though, it’s difficult to convey this straight away, before I’ve had the opportunity to build trust. But having done this a lot, I always know what the first steps are to get the ball rolling.
We’re coming up to the end of a strange financial year. The new tax year is upon us. It’s a pivotal time — get the right advice now and you can save yourself tens of thousands next January. Dentists, being cash rich, do tend to bumble along, not knowing what their tax is and worrying about it needlessly. Given the stress you’ve been under for the past 12 months, over the next 12 months you might want to have the peace of mind of a proper financial infrastructure in your business.
My offer, then, is to save you money and time, and give you clarity, insight and peace of mind about what it is that you are working so hard for. We do this in many ways, depending on your circumstances. We can introduce software into your dental practice, and we can train your team so it’s not just you shouldering the burden of change. You can still enjoy your clinical work, if that’s what you want.
But we can’t do any of this stuff unless you engage with our process and so, like in therapy, the first step is realising you have a problem. I am sympathetic about how big a step this is. I’ve been running our accountancy team for six years. The issues we have, year on year, are the same. I know how easy it is to make excuses and delay things. Some of the changes I am making in 2021 could have been made years ago. The difference is me: I’m ready now, it’s me wanting change.
Things will get better if you want to make them better for yourself. That’s what I’ve learned, and I’m excited about what we can achieve together. When you’re ready, give me a call.