The “R” word
In these difficult times you may need to consider the “R” word… redundancies …
Detailed furlough guidance for dental professionals
The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme …
Did someone ask for more holiday?
You need to keep accurate and up-to-date records for casual workers …
Sacrifice for the greater good
Before you start implementing any salary sacrifice scheme, read this. …
Essential checks when taking on a new employee
You're required to perform certain checks. …
Help your staff plan for the future
Your workplace pension scheme could be used to attract new employees. …
Employing casual staff
How do you know whether someone is an employee or not? There are a number of things to consider. …
What you need to know about automatic re-enrolment
Do you ever get the feeling that your “to do” list never gets any shorter? …
Change isn’t always a bad thing
The world of accountancy is one such fast-paced moving world. Bookkeeping, in its traditional sense, is a thing of the past. …
Why you should use PayDashboard
GDPR has forced us to take a step back and reassess how we communicate with our clients, and we believe that there's a way forward. …
Everything you need to know about the 2018/19 payroll updates
Spring has finally sprung! And as we are now halfway through April (already!), we have now welcomed a new tax year. …
How you can better understand your business
January is over and accountants across the country are breathing a sigh of relief! …
Are your staff at risk of burning out?
In a perfect world where all employees work five full days-a-week and remain with the same employer year-after-year, calculating holiday allowances is straight forward. …
Who do you think I am, Walter White?!
Essentially, we must know who our clients are and how they are earning their money. …
These are exciting times to be an accountant
What this new accounting standard does is provide a one-stop-shop for every possible accounting transaction that an accountant may come across. …
Should I increase my director’s salary for 2017/18?
What do the new allowances mean to those of you drawing a tax-efficient Director’s salary from your Company? …