How you can afford staff
How you can afford staff
Guest blog with Sunita Jordan from DPM Training
June 20, 2024

At Hive, we have a wide network of professionals who can help support your dental practice from financial advisors to front desk software providers. I recently spoke with Sunita Jordan from DPM training who specialises in helping practices better train/ support their management team to be able to effectively deal with HR/ staffing issues.

Speaking with multiple practice owners each week I am always hearing the same staffing gripes (and no other business sector is exempt it seems!). I asked Sunita to share her thoughts on how to best onboard and retain your staff in this guest post.

Simon Vincent’s insightful article, “Why You Can’t Afford Staff,” caught my attention a few weeks ago, prompting me to reach out to him to explore ways we could help dentists tackle the challenge of needing staff but being unable to find and afford to retain them.

Wage inflation is exacerbating the already tough task of recruiting staff, as higher starting salaries are necessary to attract the limited pool of available candidates. However, the urgent need to recruit to relieve an overstretched team often results in insufficient time and care being taken to find the right person.

Once a new staff member is hired, the same pressures mean there is often not enough time to properly train them, leading to mistakes, unhappy patients, team stress, and low morale. Having co- owned and managed a dental practice, I understand the immense pressure on the entire team in a busy clinic. Nonetheless, dedicating time to thorough recruitment and training is essential to avoid unforeseen costs down the line.

Offering higher starting salaries also means increasing pay for existing staff. While most agree that an efficient, happy, and motivated team is invaluable, business owners cannot afford to keep staff who are disruptive, ineffective, or errant.

Over my 20-plus years as a legal consultant for dentists, I have frequently encountered practice owners struggling with underperforming or unsuitable staff members. Despite recognising the need for dismissal, they often hesitate due to fears of legal repercussions. The rise of no-win-no-fee litigation and spurious claims has made employers reluctant to dismiss underperforming staff, even when it harms team morale and risks losing valuable employees.

Last year, I decided to focus on training practice owners and managers in effective recruitment strategies and the proper use of probation periods and disciplinary procedures. These tools, though underutilised, are crucial for managing underperforming staff. The Labour Party’s proposals to grant unfair dismissal rights from day one (currently two years) will necessitate even greater diligence in recruitment and regular appraisals, enabling you to afford the staff necessary for your practice to grow and thrive.

In summary, my top tips for ensuring your staff are managed effectively:

  1. Have systems and procedures in place to onboard new team members consistently with regular communication to share feedback.
  2. Utilise your probationary period and any disciplinary procedures you have in place to ensure poor performance and behaviour is nipped in the bud
  3. Know the legal boundaries as an employer, if you don’t get an expert who can guide you through the management process.
  4. Treat your team well. If your team is happy and feels fairly treated they’re more likely to stay at your practice.

I can help you design and implement all of the above at your practice. For more information on my training courses and consulting services, please contact me.

Sunita Jordan from DPM Training 

The information contained in this article is based on the opinion of Hive Business and does not constitute formal tax advice. Any tax outcomes will be based on individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation, which are subject to change in the future. You should seek specific advice before embarking on any course of action. Hive Business does not provide regulated Financial Advice, including advice on investment, insurance or lending products or their suitability for you. This article is provided for information only and does not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise transact, or not transact, in any investment including Bitcoin and other crypto. Any use you wish to make of any information contained within this article is, therefore, entirely at your own risk.

By Simon Vincent Tax Director
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