Take courage, embrace entropy
If you are running a business, for instance, presumably you are not just asking yourself whether the numbers stack up. …
Take the high ground or it takes you
Good leaders put their hand up and own it, but occasionally there’s nothing, or someone begins to blame someone else. …
The mirage of effortless success
The curse of talent is well known to psychologists, and it’s overrated as a contributor to success. …
Facts are wobbly unless your philosophy is fixed
Let’s take those three statements about your hygienist again and frame them in a radically different business philosophy and strategy. …
Your lion killing team don’t want to herd
The most important thing you need as a leader of a differentiator is a clear vision. …
Leaders need to spot gorillas
A business will soon hit trouble if it counts the passes but doesn’t spot the gorilla, or if it clocks the gorilla but not the passes. …
Meet Mike, the dentist living the dream
If it’s growth you’re after, change everything from top to bottom. …
A tip from the fox hunting debate
The ban was therefore right no matter the evidence presented or the perspective of analysis, which immediately struck me as worrying. …
What does “improve financial performance” actually mean?
All of our individual services are available separately, and we are happy to team up with other suppliers when we are asked to. …
We all know how to lose weight, even if we don’t admit it
The reality of running a successful dental practice is not down to the software, products or gimmicks you employ. …
One size fits few
In dentistry there are many marketing companies behaving exactly like this salesperson. …
Facts only hurt if you ignore them
If facts are being overlooked on what is possibly the most expensive purchase of your life to date, where else are they being missed? …
The Quickest Way to Cash
We pride ourselves on being dental business specialists and always advise our clients on the most effective ways they can improve their business. …