Do you still try to get away with things?
Your team will adjust to your lack of follow through …
If power corrupts, it also reveals
You could discover you have a feeble sycophant amongst your ranks …
Find your colour and nail it to the mast
If you're clear on your purpose everything becomes a potential opportunity …
Stop making sense
We can get something abstractly, but when we really feel it, that’s when we move. …
Remember facts? Not so popular in dentistry
In the absence of facts, you start projecting what you want reality to look like. …
Why do dentists keep suffering burnout?
A recent BDA survey suggests at least a quarter of dentists have burnout …
Your opportunity for opportunity
Every time you hear yourself saying, “Sorry, I’m too busy,” let it be a red flag. …
Leaders love big question marks
If you’re running a business you have to accept that things will go wrong. …
What’s your best yardstick?
If you want to help yourself, compare yourself to who you’ve been: yesterday, last month, last year. You know best who that person was. But when you compare yourself to someone else you’re inevitably selective. …
Ask your staff to kill their darlings
In my experience the biggest hindrance to success in business is that people would rather be right than effective. …
The security-growth dichotomy
You need security — physical, emotional and financial security — but too much snuffs out your growth. …
Discover how Charlie transformed his NHS practice
Charlie is not just happy because there is more money in his pocket, but because he took a chance and worked hard with Hive and it paid off. …
The obstacle is the way
The problem with path dependence is obvious in war because the price tag is so high. …
I grew turnover by 30% with boardroom discipline
Dentists generally don’t run their businesses strategically. When they do, the results are awesome. …
Don’t settle for one ‘why?’
Learning to ask about the ultimate cause when something goes wrong in your business. …
Hive’s sweet and sour culture
Hive has created a team with diverse training, experience and interests to form unique capabilities. …
Chance favours the prepared mind
If something doesn’t feel right in your business but you’re not sure what the problem is, you will almost certainly benefit from more self-reflection. …
The difference between managers and leaders
Managers are of course vital, but it’s up to you, the leader, to take this objective information and then look wider. …