Category: Ross Martin

Walking the path to private dentistry
Hive’s top tip if moving to fully private
Stagflation, resignation and the four-day week
The Covid chickens are coming home to roost
Advanced tax planning for LTD companies
Inside Money v. Outside Money
How Hive can help you
Is your brand MIA?
It’s time to innovate, not stagnate
Strategic tax planning you should be thinking of
Have dental practice prices peaked?
Have NHS practices reached peak value?
Hive Five with Paul Graham from Christie & Co
Get inside the mind of your buyer
It’s time to accept a new reality
Wealth, inflation and the universe: it’s all relative
“Dentists don’t go to university for 6 years to earn an average wage”
Are you hearing ‘the noise before defeat’?

How can we help you?

Contact Hive today and see how we can help your Dental Practice.





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