2 sites better than 1?
If you were looking for a sure fire way of ensuring that an investment didn't pay off, but instead depreciated rapidly, a second car is a very good idea. …
How did you fare in the so-called decade of austerity?
A deluge of technological innovations are coming our way and they will keep transforming consumer behaviour like this in ways that we can’t imagine. …
Friction costs your business more than you will ever imagine
When I think about the things that our clients want to do, I wonder if there are ways that we can make life easier for them by taking out friction. …
Falling behind due to circumstances outside your control?
It seems there’s a division of wealth according to circumstances, certainly by geography, but also I think it’s fair to say more generally, as a function of the randomness of life. …
Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing
As the American business magnate Warren Buffett once said, risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. …
How much property is too much?
Since Phil and Kirsty appeared on our screens 15 years ago it’s become even more culturally mainstream to want to put spare cash into bricks and mortar, above all else. …
How does your practice growth compare to your peers?
Among our clients in private practice the average revenue growth last year was 13%. …
How to lose serious money with poor decisions
On more than one occasion I have seen business owners do another version of this. …
How will driverless cars affect your goodwill value?
Elon Musk says we’ll be sleeping in driverless cars in two years. I’m looking forward to working in the car when I am on the road, as long as I have better wi-fi than First Great Western. …
Create more value in less time for the good life
Quite unusually for an accountancy team we discarded the timesheet. …
You can’t always get what you want
It’s impossible to get something good at an impossibly cheap price. We know this, but we forget it, so we have sayings to remind us, like “buy cheap buy twice”. …
The case for avoidance
If you have ever put off doing what you know you must until it’s forced on you, and you then regretted your inaction, join the club. …
Change before you have to
Last year I wrote about the Hive matrix, our way of grasping where you are in terms of the clinical hours you put in versus your profit. …
How do you know what a dental practice is really worth?
Not so long ago pubs were seen as a safe investment. …
How not to lose to HMRC
Quietly, without announcement, HMRC changed its charter in early 2016 to give itself more flexibility and latitude. …
Indecision costs more than a bad decision
Oftentimes in life making a choice — any choice — is better than doing nothing. …