Category: Ross Martin

The backwards conveyor belt of business
Your story doesn’t end with income, that’s where it starts
‘Identify the type of client you want to serve,’ — advice from our ortho expert
What’s holding dentists back from business success? 5 questions to a young entrepreneur
Why offshore isn’t such a dirty word
Why we’re OK about not being NASDAL accountants
Is your accountant working for the taxman?
Do dentists have a risk problem?
Think times are tough? Wait till 2020
Why are dentists so time poor?
The great pension scandal
Reap £25k of tax savings on £100k
Are you a fool or a unicorn?
What is an Unfunded Pension Contribution?
Why do we need to own everything?
What’s so bad about uncertainty?
Stop chasing worse returns
50% deal or buy your own practice?

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